Tips On How To Fix Orange Flame On A Gas Stove 

by Mario Garcia
how to fix orange flame on gas stove

No one likes it when a shiny cooking utensil turns black suddenly. That can happen if your gas stove ignites orange flames. So, it’s best to maintain the blue flames to keep your stove and utensils in the proper conditions.

However, if you have orange flames on your stove, don’t panic. It’s not something you can’t fix. But then, it would be great if you have a basic understanding of orange flames. That way, it’ll be easier to fix them.

This post explains all you need to know about orange flames and how you can fix them.

What Causes Orange Flame On Gas Stove?

The main cause of orange flame is partial combustion due to low air (oxygen) supply. Your gas stove needs the correct mixture of air and fuel for full combustion. That’s why if anything stops or limits the supply, it’ll cause incomplete combustion.

Some of the causes of partial combustion that lead to orange flames include the following.

Clogged burner:

When the burner orifices become clogged, they can result in orange flames on your gas stove. It happens if soot from flames builds up in your burner orifices and causes a limited fuel supply to your burner. So there’ll be an orange glow anytime flames burn the soot.

Additionally, if there is dust around your burner, it can affect the flames.

Wrong or faulty equipment:

Sometimes, you may install the wrong equipment for your gas stove. Cooking gas has different air-to-fuel requirements. So, the orifice used for natural gas differs from liquid propane. If you install the wrong orifice for your gas type, it’ll ignite orange flames.

Sometimes, your gas stove can have a damaged air shutter. The air shutter lets in the correct amount of oxygen, allowing the fuel to ignite your stove properly. But if it damages, the low supply will lead to more orange flames instead of blue flames. 

Furthermore, equipment like the gas controller controls the level of gas that flows to your stove. The gas levels can increase when there’s a faulty gas controller and cause orange flames.

Some equipment like pipes, gas converters, and suppliers can also cause orange flames. Because they directly connect to gas flow, any issue from them can affect the ignition process. So it’s best if you maintain your gas equipment properly.

Gas mixture:

Another cause of orange flames can be the gas mixture. It’s so because gas companies may supply various gases to your home. Each of them has a different combustion level (level of burning). Some of the gases include natural gas, propane (LPG), butane, and isobutene.

Because many gas stoves can ignite with any of the gases, you may use any gas type for your stove. However, the gases can cause orange flame due to the difference in their combustion levels. So, it’s best to stick to one gas type and use a gas converter. 

Presence of bugs:

Sometimes, your stove can attract bugs. It may be due to sweet substances that spill on the stovetop, and you didn’t clean off after cooking. It can also be that your gas type attracts insects. That’ll make insects get stuck inside the stove compartment.

When bugs are stuck inside the stove, they can block the gas passage and limit the pressure. The inconsistent gas pressure will cause orange flames when you ignite the stove.

Presence of humidifier:

If you have a humidifier in your kitchen, it may likely cause orange flames. Humidifiers increase the moisture content in a room by throwing small drops of water into the air. If the water is salty, it can affect the flames from your stove.

How You Can Fix Orange Flame On A Gas Stove

To effectively fix the orange flame on your gas stove, follow these steps.

Step#1: Inspect properly

When you notice orange flames, inspect your gas stove properly. Check the parts that are likely to cause the problem. Check for issues with the orifice, valve, or gas line. You have to identify the source of the problem before you can fix it.

Step#2: Clean and place burners properly

Check your burner orifices and clean them properly to remove any blockages. Wash the clogged burner with liquid soap and water using a toothbrush and a non-abrasive scrub. It’ll also help to keep the burner orifice open for proper air supply.

It’s essential to constantly clean to maintain your gas stove. It’ll prevent the accumulation of dust, grease, and debris on the burner and stovetop. From time to time, check for parts that need fixing.

Step#3: Replace damaged parts

If any parts like the orifice or valve are damaged, you have to replace them. Based on the degree of damages, you may choose to repair it. But if it’s a wrong orifice for your gas type, change it.

It’s common for the air valve to have problems after using it for a long time, so replace it when it develops faults.

Step#4: Open the stovetop

If there are no damaged parts, you may need to lift the stovetop to fix the problem. To do this, remove the grates and open the stovetop. You’ll find the air shutter behind the valve in some stoves. Then loosen the screws that hold the air shutter. 

Now, ignite the burner and open the air shutter slowly till it becomes a bluish flame. Next, screw in the air shutter and turn off the burner. Then close the stovetop and place the grates. 

Step#5: Put off the humidifier

If you have a humidifier in your kitchen, check if it’d turned on and put it off. That’ll fix the orange flame if it’s still burning.

Step#6: Call a professional

There are times when it’ll be difficult for you to spot the issue. Consider calling a professional at such times. It’s easier for a professional to inspect and spot the problem. The repair or replacement will be more effective and efficient. 

It’ll also save you time, though you’ll have to spare some cash.

Types Of Burner Flames

Blue flames:

They are the best for cooking. They burn when the stove and fuel are at their best and without issues. Your stove will keep burning blue flames if it gets enough air. It’ll also burn at the right temperature. 

Bluish flames burn at a higher temperature than other flames and make cooking faster. The gas that you use for cooking goes into complete combustion and ignites blue flames.  

Orange and yellow flames:

They don’t go through complete combustion. It’s so because of problems with the burner, stove, or gas. If the oxygen or air supply that enables complete combustion is low, it’ll produce this type of flame.

Orange and yellow flames cause air pollution and turn your cooking utensils black. They usually increase the cooking time, as their temperature is lower than blue flames.

Red flames:

They are very rare and are caused by partial combustion. The presence of red flames means that you need to repair some parts of your stove or replace them.

Effects Of Orange Flames

Orange flames cause several problems. Some of them include:

Carbon monoxide release:

Due to partial combustion, your gas stove ignites orange flames and release carbon monoxide. And it’s a dangerous gas, which is colorless and odorless. When you breathe in the gas, it can lead to nausea, headaches, and in extreme cases, hallucinations and blackouts. 

It can be risky for you and your family, as the kitchen is accessible to everyone at home. It’s also a form of pollution to the environment.

Gas wastage:

Orange flames lead to gas wastage. Incomplete combustion means some amount of your cooking gas is wasting. It also means you’ll spend more money on energy bills. 

Cooking utensils damage:

One of the obvious effects of orange flame is the damage to your cooking utensils. The flames turn them black, which is difficult to clean. You may never be able to get back the shiny utensil you had. 

It also reduces the strength and durability of your utensils.

How To Prevent Orange Flames On A Gas Stove

Here are some precautions that’ll help you prevent orange flame issues.

  • Do regular professional heating maintenance to ensure your stove runs well.
  • Use the right equipment for your stove or burner to prevent incomplete combustion.
  • Always check the flame before cooking to make sure everything is in the right condition. And ensure you take the proper action if it’s not a bluish flame.
  • Clean your burner and stove regularly to prevent clogging.
  • Install a carbon monoxide detector in your kitchen. It’ll help keep you and your family safe from carbon monoxide.
  • Before you perform any repairs, close the gas supply tightly. Disconnect your stove and ensure you repair it in a well-ventilated area or open space.


Now, you know that orange flames in your stove can result from technical or maintenance issues. That’s why you need to repair or replace the parts when they’re faulty. You also have to maintain your gas stove regularly.

However, take necessary precautions to prevent orange flames or hazards that they may cause. Regular checks can help you keep track of the state of your stove.

You can carry out quick repairs but if the issue persists, hire a professional to fix it. So, you don’t have to purchase a new stove. All you have to do is to identify and fix the problem.

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