Can Mice Climb Into Beds? A Must-Read For Everyone

by Mario Garcia
Can Mice Climb Into Beds

Mice are climb almost anything. They cannot climb ceilings because of weight and lack of balance. However, they can climb walls, cupboards, beds, and anything vertical or horizontal, provided there is balance.

Rodents are repulsive to almost everyone, regardless of whether you love animals or not. The only exception may be vets that need them for study. This is why you may cringe at the thought of mice climbing your bed.

This article will delve into the things that can attract mice to your room and your bed. We’ll also look at how to get rid of them.

But first, let’s focus on the question below. 

Can mice climb into beds?

If mice find it relatively easy to climb taller furniture with less balance then you can guess that they can certainly climb into beds. This is because they are always on the lookout for things to nibble on.

You might wonder if they climb into your bed in your absence or while you’re asleep. Yes, mice and rodents generally try to avoid humans and illuminated areas. However, if they must come out in the light and get close to you to reach another point or get food, they will.

How To Tell If Mice Lives In Your Room

Since mice are more nocturnal than not, you may not realize you have them in your room till they multiply. And they do that fast!

If you suspect that those tiny visitors are around, here are checks you can do to confirm or cancel your suspicions.

1. Bad odors:

Mice pee smells strong, and it can be perceived in the weirdest places. If you pick pungent smells anywhere in your room, you might have had a tiny visitor.

2. Droppings:

This one is a dead giveaway. If you find scat or poop lying around, you can be almost certain there are mice in your room. If you find them in corners that are not very exposed, there is no doubt that mice have gained entry. 

3. Noises:

Do you hear nibbling sounds or scratching noises at night? Rodents get around mostly at night. Therefore, if you hear squeaks or sounds like teeth gnawing through your stuff, it’s a certain thing that you’re not alone. 

4. Pieces of stuff:

Mice may not be ruthless, but they may leave pieces of stuff lying around. Things like paper and foam are easy to rip into bits and pieces. That is an unquestionable sign that you have an infestation and an aggressive one at that!

Should You Care That There Are Mice In Your Room?

Yes. You should be very concerned if mice have gained entry into your room. 

Some people might not care about rodents being in their space as long as none of their valuables gets destroyed. They may even feel they are of help to these animals. But you should know that they are harmful to you. 

Here are reasons why you should be concerned about having an infestation. 

1. Risk of diseases:

It’s common knowledge that rodents can cause several diseases. But you need to know how serious it can become. Mice have been known to cause Hantavirus, leptospirosis, the plague, salmonellosis. These deadly diseases can be avoided by keeping rodents away. 

2. Hygiene:

The diseases aside, mice hide in sewers and other unclean places. Having them in your space would sabotage your hygiene. They might ruin your floor space by passing droppings and urine. Besides, it is just unpleasant to enter a place knowing that there are mice there.

What Can Invite Mice Into Your Space?

It’s the food search. Rodents will mind their business and stay as far away from humans as possible. But they need to feed, and they know human settlements are great sources of food.

If mice begin to scout a place and find food crumbs anywhere, they have found a reason to invade that space. 

They will also get to your room or home to get to their destination if it is an access road.

Another reason mice may invade a place is hiding places like holes and corners where they can shelter after a hard day’s scavenging work. 

How To Keep Mice Away

These are preventive measures. Do these things to keep mice away.

1. Keep your space clean:

Rodents have no reason to invade your space if it is clean. Practice hygiene and keep your room clutter-free. Please do not give them a space to hide and breed. Patch up the holes in your walls. Keep your greenery well-trimmed. 

2. Dispose of your garbage:

Most times, garbage is comprised of leftover food. This is the best invitation you can give rodents. The odor attracts them, and once they start rummaging in there, they begin to get comfortable in your space. To avoid this, get rid of your garbage and clean out your garbage can as well.

Quick Tip: Some persons have opined that leaving the lights on keeps mice away. This is not exactly true. Mice do not like to be seen because they fear humans, but they would not mind getting around in an illuminated room. All they want is to take their share. Hence, please note that light does not keep them away.

How To Handle A Mice Infestation

If you find that mice have already gained entry into your space, here are a few steps that you can take to get rid of them.

1. Block all Entry Points:

Mice are small and do not need large holes or entry points. Any little opening will suffice. Hence, you must patch every hole in your walls. Use caulk or steel to cover up the holes. This way, the rodents cannot bite through the hole. 

The space underneath your door, especially your bedroom, is another place to be wary of. If you cannot block it with wood, you might want to consider a door sweeper. A safer and stronger remedy is blocking this gap with steel wool or caulk.

2. Get a Cat:

If you are an animal lover, you can get a cat if you do not have a pet. Cats are predatory to rodents. They hunt mice with excellent precision. Having them in the house and even in the room can help keep mice away.

But keep in mind that not all cats will hunt mice. Domesticated and well-trained cats will not even want to eat mice. Even if they hunt them down, the mice may have birthed baby mic, and that may be too much for a cat to solve. Therefore, you must have other alternatives.

3. Tidy up the room:

This should be the first line of action if you already have an infestation. You should clean up your room frequently. Ensure that there are no food crumbs on your bed or underneath. If you can, keep all your food in the kitchen.

Take out the garbage very often. Do not leave dirty clothes lying around as rodents could also find this inviting. 

4. Set Mouse-traps:

Mouse-traps are old school, but they still work. If you would rather not call a professional to carry out extermination, then do this.

There are different kinds of traps. There are snap traps, live catch traps, and glue traps. Snap traps are triggered when something steps on them. You could place bits of food on them as bait. Be sure to get the ones designed for mice.

You could also use rodenticides. These are sprays that can kill rodents if they make contact with it. 

5. Try Peppermint oil:

You are advised to try this because it may or may not work. The scent of this oil happens to be super strong and can repel mice. However, if they have nested in your home, it may not be of much help. 

6. Try Ultrasonic Repellants:

If you are the type of person who dislikes messy things such as getting a rat out of the trap, you might want to try this remedy. Ultrasonic repellants are devices that emit ultrasonic waves. These waves keep rodents away but do not kill them. It also keeps insects away, so it’s a great option. 

You don’t have to worry about the device’s safety, as it is safe for children and pets indoors. But you must be patient because it may take a few days before you are completely rid of every rodent and insect in your home. It is relatively affordable. You can use one for p to five years. 

 A quick tip: Before you purchase products, do background check on the active constituents. This will ensure you are not putting yourself or your family at risk.


Can mice climb into beds? Yes, that’s the answer. Furthermore, you are aware of why they invade your home and your room. They want to survive. If you make your space a haven or “Provision store” for them, they will nest and breed there.

Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, take preventive measures to keep mice away if they have not gained entry into your home or room yet. If they have, the methods above will suffice in getting rid of them.

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