How To Revive Bamboo Leaves Turning Yellow: A Simple Guide

by Mario Garcia
How To Revive Bamboo Leaves Turning Yellow

Bamboo is a very popular decorative and edible plant. A lot of homeowners and gardeners plant it to cover unwanted views or make their space more private. 

Like every other ornamental plant, this fast-growing plant has certain requirements to remain green and healthy. If your bamboo leaves start to turn yellow, it could mean that, your plant’s health is failing. So how do you revive failing bamboo leaves?

So, here goes the question.

How do I revive bamboo leaves turning yellow? 

When your bamboo leaves turn yellow, you have to trim the yellow leaves off so that foliage can continue to sprout. Cutting off affected leaves will encourage the growth of new ones.

This guide will teach you everything you can do to save your dying bamboo plant, how to take care of your bamboo plant, and essential information about the bamboo plant.

How To Revive Bamboo Leaves Turning Yellow

When your bamboo turns yellow, you shouldn’t panic. You can still revive your bamboo plant. When this happens, place your plant in a warm spot with enough yet indirect sunlight, maybe a shady corner next to a window. After that, trim off the yellow leaves.

Trimming yellow leaves will prevent the unnecessary supply of essential nutrients to the dying leaves and send them to the growing ones.

Follow these steps to trim bamboo leaves;


First, pour rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and use it to clean the blades of your shears. By cleaning the blade of your shears, you are killing any disease-causing organisms living on it.


Now, cut the yellow parts of your bamboo leaves off by tracing their natural shape. Make sure you don’t touch the unaffected green areas of the leaves that they can continue to grow.


Snipe the area between the leaf bases and stem to cut all yellow leaves off


Throw away all the yellow leaves to avoid attracting insects or diseases to the healthy plants.

What Is Normal Bamboo Leaf Yellowing?

Bamboo, just like many other plants, sheds its leaves so that new ones can grow. The bamboo cuts off the nutrients in the old leaves and uses them for the growing ones. Therefore, due to the lack of nutrients, some leave turn yellow and start to fall off.

 Bamboo is an evergreen plant, so most species slowly leave and replace the old ones with new ones. Due to this process, bamboo plants can have both yellow and green leaves most of the time. There may be more yellowing in spring.

What Causes The Yellowing Of Bamboo Leaves?

Several factors besides the normal yellowing can cause the yellowing of bamboo leaves. Watch out for the causes below so that you can prevent your plant from turning yellow. 


Hot, direct sunlight can burn your bamboo leaves, and the leaves will appear yellow. What your plant need is bright but indirect sunlight. You can place it on a countertop or a side table close to a sunny window. If it is not getting enough light, the leaves can turn yellow even before developing a yellow stem. 


Although bamboo doesn’t require much care, it is particular about its water conditions. If your tap water has excess chemical treatments, using it for your plant can damage the leaves. You should use filtered or distilled water for your bamboo plant. 

Also, change its water once or twice a week as bacteria and algae can form around the roots of your plant if it sits in stagnant water for too long. Sitting in stagnant water can interfere with your plant’s absorption of water and nutrients or cause its roots to rot. 


If the stalks of your bamboo plant turn yellow at the bottom first, it could indicate over-fertilization of the plant. If you recently fertilized it, change the water and avoid adding more fertilizer until it has recovered. The recovery can take a few weeks to a few months. 


Injury can cause your bamboo leaves to turn yellow. Broken stems, vigorous pruning, plucked leaves, damage from falling over, pets, extreme heat or cold, too-tight ribbons, or wrappings can cause bamboo leaves to be yellow. Injuries can kill your plant. 

Incorrect temperature and humidity:

If your bamboo leaves are yellowing, you may need to check if the room temperature is too cool. Bamboo prefers temperatures between 65°F and 90°F. Your plant will not thrive in a low humidity environment because its natural environment is a very humid rainforest. 

To remedy yellow leaves caused by incorrect temperature and humidity, you may need to mist the leaves of your bamboo plant every two to three days. Your bamboo plant will have the high moisture it craves. If humidity is the cause of the yellowing leaves, this remedy should work. 

 How To Grow Bamboo Plants

Grow your bamboo with a plant. The availability of bamboo seeds is short because it typically seeds on 75-year cycles. If you find the seeds, they are not viable and a waste of money. You should know that the bamboo division you begin with would only grow underground. 

The bamboo culms attached to its roots or rhizomes have grown, and they will only support the rhizome system. That means you should not expect the Culm to grow taller and larger. 

Every spring, the bamboo Culm emerges as the diameter it will be. It will also grow to the height it will be in a few months. In a few months, the growth of the whole life cycle of your plant will be completed.

How Do You Care For Your Bamboo Plant?

Neglecting your plant is not an option. You have to take care of it to keep it fresh and healthy. The tips below will help you keep your bamboo plant green and healthy.

Clean your plant’s container:

Every few months, clean the container and change the water every week to prevent algae and bacteria.

Give it sufficient light:

Your bamboo plant needs light shade and indirect sunlight. It will grow larger it gets enough bright light. However, this does not mean you should expose it to full, direct sunlight.

 Use filtered water:

You can grow your bamboo in soil or water. If water is your option, you should use filtered or distilled water. Your tap water may contain excess chemicals, and this can burn your plant’s stalks.

Choose the right container:

Bamboo plants come with their container. The containers come with pebbles. If your plant outgrows the container it came with, you will need to put it into one to sustain it. 

Remove the bamboo plant. Wash the pebbles before putting them in a new container. Place the bamboo plant in the container, burying the roots under the pebbles. Add water. The water level should be high enough to cover the bamboo roots. Make sure it doesn’t wet the stalks.

 Provide proper drainage:

 If you are growing your bamboo in soil, ensure that its container has proper drainage. Bamboo likes moist soil. However, too much water can harm its growth.

 How Much Fertilizer Does My Bamboo Plant Need?

Generally, you should fertilize your bamboo plant once or twice every year with liquid houseplant fertilizer or aquarium plant diluted to 1/10 of the normal strength. People have successfully grown this ornamental for years without fertilizing it.

Can Yellowing Bamboo Leaves Turn Green Again?

If your bamboo plant is changing color due to nutrient deficiency, all you need to do is feed them right. The ingredients will make up the loss, and they will bring back their true color. If that’s not the case, the yellow leaves won’t turn green. However, if you cut off the yellowing leaves, the bamboo will grow new leaves. 

Also, note that even though trimming will help grow new leaves, you still have to determine why your bamboo leaves are yellowing. If you don’t do this, there will be continuous yellowing of your bamboo leaves. If the cause is not determined and remedied, your plant will eventually die off.

Where should I place my bamboo plant?

Most people prefer to keep their bamboo plant in the east corner of their home. You can place it in the southeast zone to attract wealth and good forgotten. Feng Shui believes that it can also help get rid of financial struggles if kept in the southeast corner.

Some people also place their bamboo plant as the centerpiece for their dining table to attract double. Make sure wherever you place your plant, it can receive only indirect bright light. The best place to keep your bamboo plant is indoors, where it can be away from direct sunlight. Although it is possible to grow its soil outside, harsh sunlight or cold temperatures can harm your bamboo plant.


You can do many things to revive your yellowing bamboo plant and make it green and fresh again. After reading this guide, surely, you know what to do to your yellowing leaves and how to take care of your precious bamboo plant. 

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