Can You Return IKEA Furniture Assembled? A Must-Read

by Mario Garcia
Can You Return IKEA Furniture Assembled

You can purchase a wide range of items from IKEA. The company sells furniture, home accessories, including frozen foods. On top of that, IKEA’s products are reasonably priced and looks uniquely designed

But then, what happens if you’re not happy with your IKEA purchase? 

IKEA has a great return policy, which many don’t know. Since you’re here, rest assured you will have an in-depth understanding of the company’s return policy. 

Now let’s jump into the question before going into the other details. 

Can you return IKEA furniture Assembled?

IKEA boasts one of the best return policies worldwide. But then, would they be willing to accept the furniture you have assembled? Yes, the company does accept assembled furniture.  

Provided the furniture is in a resalable condition or it looks unused, you can return it to IKEA. But they are the ones that would determine if the assembled and returned furniture is sellable or unused. 

IKEA’s return policy for unopened products is within 365 days. The opened products return window is within 180 days.  

That’s the answer to the question, but there’s more you need to know about IKEA and its return policy. So, keep reading to acquire more knowledge to make an informed decision. 

Condition Of Assembled Furniture You Can Return To IKEA

You can return IKEA assembled furniture and get a full refund. The company is quite generous in its return policy. However, you have to meet certain conditions for IKEA to accept the returned products. Let’s find out. 

Unused condition:

Even if you have assembled the furniture, do not use it. IKEA doesn’t accept used products. They won’t even look at your product, let alone approve a partial refund. 

So, if you assembled IKEA furniture but later discover it’s not your taste, prepare to return it. Do not allow the kids or anyone in the house to make use of the furniture. Otherwise, you might have yourself to blame. 

Resellable condition:

Just because you didn’t like the product you’re returning doesn’t mean others won’t. IKEA isn’t also going to let the product lie fallow in the store. The company will have to resell to another customer.

So this is simple. Before taking the assembled furniture to IKEA, ask yourself; is this product in a resellable condition? If your answer is yes, you’ll most certainly get a refund. 

Just put yourself in the shoes of a new customer. Will you still buy such products? If your answer is unbiased, and you think that IKEA would feel the same way, you can request a refund. 

Original packaging condition:

Resist any urge to destroy the packaging of any new product. Why? You might have a reason to return the product before the return window elapses. 

Another condition to return a product to IKEA is that it must be in its original package. In most circumstances, the company might accept the returned furniture without the container since you have met other conditions. But don’t put yourself in such a condition. 

Things IKEA Requires From You When Returning Assembled Furniture 

Never visit IKEA without proof. In addition to the returned furniture, IKEA needs evidence that you’re the rightful owner of the furniture and eligible to receive the refund. It doesn’t matter whether the furniture is assembled or not. 

Take the following items to IKEA and get your money refunded within two weeks. 

Identity card:

IKEA needs proof that you’re the owner of the returned furniture and money. And the easiest way to confirm that is by requesting a valid identity card. 

So, please endeavor to take your I.D. card along with you when returning an item to IKEA. Without valid means of identification, no one would listen to you. 

Proof of purchase:

What’s the evidence that you bought the item from IKEA and on the acclaimed date? For this reason, you need proof of purchase. It could be a receipt or online order confirmation. 

Now, what happens if you can’t find the receipt? Well, in this case, IKEA won’t refund your full money. Instead, you’ll receive the lowest selling price for the said item. In other words, you need to buy another thing from their store. 

And this time, please be vigilant. Pick something you like. And one more thing, don’t throw away the receipt this time.  

The card used for purchase:

IKEA would also request the card used to initiate the previous purchase.  

The piece of furniture:

This is the most important of all items. If you have the receipt, valid I.D., and card used to make a purchase, without the furniture or perhaps, it isn’t in good condition, IKEA won’t give you a refund. 

Should You Disassemble IKEA Furniture Before Returning It?

Here’s one popular question confusing most IKEA customers. However, the answer is no!

IKEA didn’t state that you have to disassemble the furniture before returning it. So, why put yourself in a tight corner? 

Don’t make things difficult for yourself. Return the assembled product that way. Keep in mind that you might damage and make the product unsellable. In this case, IKEA won’t listen to you. 

You have to return the furniture as it is. And endeavor to take all the remaining pieces along, including the box the furniture came in (If you still have it anyway). 

A Handy Tip: Even if your furniture is assembled, IKEA is ready to refund your full money and keep their item.  

IKEA Pickup Service: What You Need To Know

If the assembled furniture you’re returning is too big for your car, you can contact IKEA to help pick the item up and take it to their store. 

IKEA pickup service is available and efficient. The company delivers and picks up items upon request from a customer. 

But here’s the thing. The pickup service isn’t free; you have to pay a certain amount. It’s the same as the delivery fee, though. 

A Handy Tip: You can avoid paying a pickup fee by using your car or requesting help from a friend, colleague, neighbor, or relative with a much bigger car. 

Returned IKEA Assembled Furniture Rejected: What You Can Do

Like we said earlier, IKEA might reject furniture it claims is not sellable or usable. In such a case, you won’t get a refund from the company. 

It’s logical. If your furniture has started falling apart, then it’s of no use to IKEA. The employees won’t even waste their energy or time looking at the product for the second time. 

Please note that IKEA would reject your returned furniture for the following reasons.

Furniture is ravaged with dirt:

If the furniture looks dirty, chances are it would appear unsellable and used. Dirt will make it look unappealing. And that’s a big turn-off for IKEA. 

So, if you have plans to return furniture or any product bought from IKEA, keep them in good condition. Don’t let dust or dirt take over the furniture. 

You can also do your best to clean up the furniture before taking it to IKEA. But be careful not to leave any stain that would be difficult to remove. 

The furniture is stained:

If the furniture is stained, remove the stain before taking it to IKEA to request a refund. If the stain is so apparent and you can’t remove it, forget about returning the item to IKEA. 

Furniture is damaged or abused:

If you take your furniture to IKEA in this condition, you won’t get a dime from them. You would even be the one at lost because you have to pay the pickup fee. 

So, ensure the furniture you planned on returning to IKEA is in good condition. If it isn’t, they won’t accept it. 

If your furniture got rejected by IKEA, don’t waste too much energy trying to talk them into accepting it. You’re just wasting your time. 

The good news is, you can sell that rejected furniture and make a profit. You have to go through the right channel and ensure the furniture doesn’t get damaged any further. 


So, can you return the IKEA furniture assembled? The answer is yes. However, the product has to be in good condition for the company to accept it. 

Don’t disassemble the furniture before returning it. There’s no point in doing that. You might even damage the furniture in the process of dismantling it, making it impossible to return. 

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